Google & its web analytics tool known as “Google Analytics” as well as “Google Webmaster Tools” are continuously becoming much advanced by adding up more and more awesome features to provide better client understanding.
Now again both are enriched with new tools to track social media activities. Now you can utilize them to track the impact of tweets, facebook likes, Google plus & a lot more.
If you logged in to your Google Webmaster Tools account you will see that there’s a “+1 Metrics” section.”+1 Metrics” provides reports on the impact of the +1 Button on search. The new analytics tracks the amount of +1s on a given page and show how +1s affect your website’s click through rate (CTR).
The new Activity Report and an Audience Report also added to Google Webmaster Tools. The Activity Report shows the number of +1s your website or webpages have received as well as the Audience report shows the geographic and demographic data about website visitors who have clicked on Google’s +1 button for your website pages.
Google has also introduced a very useful new Social Plugin Tracking tool for Google Analytics. This new social plugin tool can be utilize to compare the impact of various types of social media activities on your website. Along with +1s, it also tracks Twitter tweets, Facebook Likes, Facebook shares etc.
The new Social Plugin Tracking Tool generates three types of reports:
1. Social Engagement- It tracks behavioral changes (time spent on website, page views, bounce-rate, etc.) for visits from social plugins.
2. Social Actions- It tracks the number of social media activities users take on your site.
3. Social Pages.- It is used to compare the number of social media activities received on your website.
Its worthful to track social media as social media sites drive a lot of the website traffic.
Social media tracking from Google, just came after launch of Google’s +1 so, we can also say its Google strategy to show the importance of its +1 along with other social media sites. However, these new features from Google provide a great deal of more details and the impact of social media activites to the website owners on their websites.
Now again both are enriched with new tools to track social media activities. Now you can utilize them to track the impact of tweets, facebook likes, Google plus & a lot more.
If you logged in to your Google Webmaster Tools account you will see that there’s a “+1 Metrics” section.”+1 Metrics” provides reports on the impact of the +1 Button on search. The new analytics tracks the amount of +1s on a given page and show how +1s affect your website’s click through rate (CTR).
The new Activity Report and an Audience Report also added to Google Webmaster Tools. The Activity Report shows the number of +1s your website or webpages have received as well as the Audience report shows the geographic and demographic data about website visitors who have clicked on Google’s +1 button for your website pages.
Google has also introduced a very useful new Social Plugin Tracking tool for Google Analytics. This new social plugin tool can be utilize to compare the impact of various types of social media activities on your website. Along with +1s, it also tracks Twitter tweets, Facebook Likes, Facebook shares etc.
The new Social Plugin Tracking Tool generates three types of reports:
1. Social Engagement- It tracks behavioral changes (time spent on website, page views, bounce-rate, etc.) for visits from social plugins.
2. Social Actions- It tracks the number of social media activities users take on your site.
3. Social Pages.- It is used to compare the number of social media activities received on your website.
Its worthful to track social media as social media sites drive a lot of the website traffic.
Social media tracking from Google, just came after launch of Google’s +1 so, we can also say its Google strategy to show the importance of its +1 along with other social media sites. However, these new features from Google provide a great deal of more details and the impact of social media activites to the website owners on their websites.
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